Web projects

RL & ASSOCIATES accounting firm
RL & ASSOCIATES accounting firm
A quotation system for generating instant service cost based on user selections of different criteria

Front end created with React

React Hooks for state management

Back end created with Node and Express.js

Utilizing Sendgrid to send notifications to site administrator with captured user info, service selections and quoted price

KING Fashion e-commerce
king-fashion e-commerce
A complete mobile friendly e-commerce clothing site

Built with React, incorporating styled components, Redux, Hooks, Router, GraphQL, Context API, etc.

Backend created with Node and Express.js

Connected with Firebase for database and user authentication

Shopping cart with checkout capability

Integrated with Stripe for credit card payment

Restaurant search app
restaurant search app
App for searching restaurants based on your area and preferences

Front end created with React

Back end created with Node and Express.js

Fetching data from Yelp API

Built docker image of app and uploaded to docker hub

Configured and setup AWS EC2 instance to run docker image in a container

MGB Marketing & Communications
MGB Marketing & Communications Inc
Full company website based on Adobe XD design

Coded with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap & JavaScript

Fully responsive with extensive use of css flexbox

Multiface detection
multiface-detection application
Face recognition app that detect faces in your picture and keeps count of your rank

Built with React and integrated with a serverless ranking function deployed on AWS Lambda

Backend created with Node and Express.js

Together with a PostgreSQL database allowing user registration and sign in

Please sign in with a@a.com and use pw: a

Front-end of an online tutoring platform

Fully responsive created with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript

Bootstrap and Material Design for Bootstrap

ArchitectUI HTML Theme Dashboard

Kitchen & Bath Reno
Kitchen & Bath Reno
Flexbox and Grid Project
Flexbox and Grid Project
Javascript Project
javascript project
Mobile First Project
mobile first project
JQuery Project
jquery project
SASS Project
sass project
HTML & CSS Project1
HTML5 & CSS3 Project1
HTML & CSS Project2
HTML5 & CSS3 Project2
Data Visualization with C3.js and Chart.js
Data Visualization project
PHP Project
php project